Have Stubborn Fat? Skinique Can Fix That.
CoolSculpting® & DualSculpting
Say Goodbye to Stubborn Fat
All The Right Curves In All The Right Places
The Easy Process
It's all a customized treatment plan to give you the results you want!
Our Promise.

It's easy to get started in your CoolSculpting journey to a slimmer you.
At Skinique we will take the time to discuss a personalized approach to your goals for reshaping your body. Together, you'll look at your whole body from different angles—and then focus on specific areas where you want to eliminate fat.

During your treatment, a gel pad and applicator will be applied to the targeted area. The CoolSculpting applicator delivers controlled cooling to the targeted fat. During your procedure, feel free to read, check email, or even take a nap.

Those stubborn fat bulges start to disappear, leaving a more sculpted you.

Most patients can return to their normal activities immediately after the CoolSculpting procedure.
While some patients may see results as early as 3 weeks after their first treatment, the most dramatic results are usually seen between 1 and 3 months following treatment.
Am I a Candidate?
Take this short questionnaire to determine if CoolSculpting® is right for you!
How Does CoolSculpting Work?
Minimal Downtime & Lasting Results
After one treatment, you'll typically see a noticeable reduction of fat. It takes a few months to fully realize the effects, mainly because it takes that long for your body to naturally dispose of the fat cells. With each session you are able to decrease the number of fat cells in the treated area by 25-35%.
Skinique's CoolSculpting Transformations
Real Patients, Real Results

CoolSculpting optimal results can be seen after 3
months. Here are our patient's before, her 60 day
follow up, and then her 90 day follow up.
Her results from just one treatment so far are
amazing! The transformation is so satisfying

Wow wow wow! Amazing results with
CoolSculpting! 60 day follow up from just ONE
treatment on the arms!

Love Handles
COOLSCULPTING! One session on her flanks aka
love handles!

Wow! Look at this patients 90 day results from just ONE CoolSculpting treatment on his submental (chin) area
Before & After
CoolSculpting® FAQ's
Q What does CoolSculpting® feel like?
As the cooling begins during the first few minutes, you will feel pressure and intense cold. This soon dissipates. Many people read, watch videos, work on their laptop, or even take a nap during their treatment.
Q When will I see CoolSculpting® results?
You may start to see changes as quickly as four weeks after your treatment, and will experience the most dramatic results after two months, but your body will flush out fat cells and continue doing so for up to four to six months.
Q What happens when I gain weight down the road?
Many people, after seeing the results from their CoolSculpting® procedure, take even better care of themselves. However, if you do gain weight, you may gain it evenly all over your body, not just in the treated areas. You will however have fewer fat cells in your treated areas, so most patients see increased tone in treated areas, even after gaining weight.
Q How many treatments are necessary?
Many see results after just one treatment, but others may need a few to reach their specific goals. A trained member of our staff will work with you to customize an appropriate plan during your initial consultation, in which treatment areas and the number of sessions will be determined.
Q What are the risks of the procedure?
Side effects are minor and rare, and can include temporary discomfort or numbness in the treated areas following the session. A complete list is covered during the consultation with a member of our staff.
Q Are there any side effects?
During the procedure you may experience deep pulling, tugging, pinching, numbness or discomfort. Following the procedure, typical side effects include temporary numbness, redness, swelling, bruising, firmness, tingling, stinging and pain. Rare side effects may also occur. You should not have the CoolSculpting® procedure if you suffer from cryoglobulinemia or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria.
Q What happens to the frozen fat cells?
After the fat cells are targeted and frozen, your body naturally and gradually sheds them. They become processed and eliminated on their own over the course of six months. Unlike with diet and exercise, fat cells actually die and are permanently gone from your body with the CoolSculpting® procedure. You'll literally freeze them away and be left with a toned, firm body!
Q Am I a good candidate?
The CoolSculpting® fat reduction procedure is specially designed for those who have unwanted fat that resists diet and exercise. Unlike gastric bypass surgery, the CoolSculpting® procedure is not a weight loss solution for people who are obese. It is, however, a non-surgical alternative to liposuction. Good candidates have noticeable bulges in certain areas they'd like to get rid of.
Q Can I return to normal activities after my treatment?
Yes, you can. The CoolSculpting® procedure is completely non-surgical, so typically you can return to normal activities immediately. Some patients experience redness, minor bruising, tingling, numbness or discomfort in the treated area, but this is temporary and will resolve completely. Often times, patients return to work after their CoolSculpting® session is over.